The University will recognize unusual secondary school work by means of advanced placement and dual credit courses and will grant credit to those who have taken especially enriched or online undergraduate courses before entering college or who have appropriate vocational or professional experience. Applicants qualify for such credit by satisfactory achievement on college-approved placement examinations, including the College Board Advanced Placement Tests, CLEP (College Level Examination Program), DSST (formerly DANTES Subject Standardized Tests) or faculty-authored challenge examinations. College credit total a maximum of 30 semester credits may be earned by satisfactorily completing such examinations.

Advanced Placement is a great way to help you get a head start in college. A few things to know about AP exams:

  • AP exams must have a score of 3 or higher to receive credit
  • Chemistry & Physics exams must have a score of 4 or better to receive credit
  • Rad Tech & DMS must have a score of 4 for Biology
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences, Actuarial Science & Nursing must have a score of 4 or higher on Science and Math to receive credit
AP Exam Concordia equivalent credit hours
Art Drawing ART 1040 Drawing Fundamentals – 3 crs.
Biology BIO 1401 General Biology I – 4 crs.
Calculus AB or Calculus AB Subscore MATH 2010 Calculus I – 4 crs.
Calculus BC MATH 2020 Calculus II – 4 crs.
Chemistry Score of 3: CHEM 1003 Introductory Chemistry Score of 4: CHEM 1414 General Chemistry I - 4 crs. Score of 5: CHEM 1414 Gen Chem I – 4 crs. and CHEM 1424 Gen Chem II – 4 crs.
Chinese Language and Culture Core Language Credit – 3 crs.
Computer Science A CSC 1010 Foundations of Computer Science – 3 crs.
Macroeconomics ECON 2200 Macroeconomics – 3 crs.
Microeconomics ECON 2100 Microeconomics - 3 crs.
English Language and Composition ENG 1040 Intro to Writing – 3 crs.
English Literature and Composition ENG 1030 Civ & Worldview Literature – 3 crs. (default) OR ENG 1040 Intro to Writing – 3 crs.
Environmental Science ENV 1800 Environmental Science – 3 crs.
European History HIST 1099 Hist & World Views West World – 3 crs.
French Language Core Language Credit – 3 crs.
German Language GER 1010 Beginning German -4 crs.
Comparative Government & Politics POLS 3000 Comparative Politics – 3 crs.
US Government & Politics POLS 2010 American Government – 3 crs.
Human Geography Elective Credit – 3 crs.
Italian Language and Culture Core Language Credit – 3 crs.
Japanese Language and Culture Core Language Credit – 3 crs.
Latin: Virgil Core Language Credit – 3 crs.
Music Theory Elective – 3 crs.
Physics B Score of 4 or 5: PHYS 1514 Gen Physics I - 4 crs. and PHYS 1524 Gen Physics II – 4 crs.
Physics C - Mech Score of 4 or 5: PHYS 1514 General Physics I - 4 crs.
Physics C – E&M Score of 4 or 5: PHYS 1524 General Physics II – 4 crs.
Precalculus MATH 1280 College Algebra
Psychology PSY 1010 General Psychology – 3 crs.
Spanish Language SPAN 1010 Beginning Spanish – 4 crs.
Spanish Literature Spanish Elective – 3 crs.
Statistics MATH 2050 Statistics I – 3 crs.
Studio Art ART 1010 Arts & Crafts Fundamentals – 3 crs.
US History HIST 1000 American Civilizations – 3 crs.
World History HIST 1600 Non-Wester World – 3 crs.
Research Elective – 3 crs.
Seminar Elective – 3 crs.
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